Health Benefits of Cherries

Cherry is blood red in color and round shaped fruit loaded with stone like a seed. Cherries are mainly two types i.e. First of sweet or wild cherry and second is tart or sour cherry. Cherries are sweet and delicious in flavor. It is used as raw, juice, jams, tea and wines. Sometimes cherries are also called the “Super Fruit“ because they are rich in antioxidants, flavonoids and containing no cholesterol and very low in sodium and fat. So they are the best food for those who are on diet and health conscious. The presence of anthocyanins, kaempferol, quercetin, hydroxycinnamates, chlorogenic acid, potassium, fiber, vitamin C, vitamins A, C, B6, E, folic acid, carotenoids and melatonin makes it to prevent from many diseases like cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, inflammatory diseases, and Alzheimer’s and provided amazing health benefits for your body. So enjoy reading the reasons behind it to take it daily as follows.

  1. Cherries contain rich amount of antioxidants like Queritrin, perillyl alcohol (POH) and ellagic acid which helps to prevent or repair the body cells damages by free radicals caused different types of cancers.
  2. The presence of anthocyanins and bioflavonoids in tart cherries helps to protect from gout and arthritis due to regular eating of cherries helps to reduce circulating levels of uric acid. They also help to reduce the inflammation in the body and eliminate migraine headaches.
  3. It contains two main types of flavonoids named isoqueritrin and queritrin, helps to reduce the stress and slow down the aging process due to act as an antioxidant agent.
  4. Due to zero cholesterol and low fat or sodium helps in weight management. It is the best food for those who are on a diet.
  5. Anthocyanin, which is responsible for its red color helps to boost your brain memory power.
  6. Cherries contain melatonin, a powerful nutrient that helps our body for better sleep and sleep disorder.
  7. Drinking cherry juice or eating cherries after a workout can boost your recovery. Tart cherry juice also helps athletes to prevent from muscle damages.
  8. Cherries are a rich source of antioxidants which helps to reduce insulin resistance and glucose intolerance and prevent from diabetes.
  9. Cherries are also used in the garnishing of food, cocktail drinks and bakery items.
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In brief they are the best fruit for you because consumption cherries regularly provide more health benefits instead of eating blueberries, strawberries and pomegranate. Cherries have many other health benefits like reducing heart disease, regulate blood pressure, acts as a natural pain killer, vision loss, macular degeneration, Constipation & Digestion, mumps, measles and much more. If you know more health benefits of cherries than please share your knowledge through our comment box to serve others better.